Wednesday, 4 October 2017

My post graduate studies

Hi, guys, how are you? I hope so, today I'm going to talk about the postgraduate courses that I would like to take in the future. I am currently studying pharmacy at the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Chile. 

Image result for farmacologia

I love my career since I love chemical and biological sciences, I also like laboratory work and is part of the health area, which is why I would like to do a post-graduate degree in pharmacology. Pharmacology is a fundamental science, which is responsible for studying the interaction of drugs (specifically their molecules with the organism). This seems to me very interesting, so much to study it in the not too distant future, I hope ... In this post-graduate course I would like to study things like the interaction of the body with the different molecules, what makes certain drugs so special, I would like to have some course where they instruct me on the creation of new drugs or molecules to treat diseases, all this seems incredible. This is a topic that I would like to study if or if in the future after finishing my career, if possible I would like to study it in some foreign university, since these are much more advanced in science than the Chilean universities. I would like to study the whole course in the foreigner, in person (obviously) and one finished this, I would return to Chile to apply my new knowledge and be able to give my contribution to the scientific community and the community in general. Well my dear readers, I hope you have not bored them ... thank you very much for reading !!!


  1. I think pharmacology it's a fundamental science of the society of nowadays too!

  2. Pharmacology is pretty good, it has so many interesting things that you can do.

  3. I would like to study some Pharmacology too! I hope you can make your dreams come true dude, see you soon.

  4. Pharmacology is essential in these days.

  5. I like Pharmacology area, but I think that is really difficult to study

  6. I also in these two years I realized that I love my career and I do not regret the choice I make
