Monday, 30 October 2017

Changes In My Study Programme

Since I was little I've always dreamed of going to study at the university, always dreamed of reaching the university campus, where everything was different from the school, where everyone was there for the sole interest of learning new things, where there were giant buildings, huge rooms for more than 100 people, etc.   

Image result for campus universitario

Today with my 20 years old, currently studying chemistry and pharmacy at the University of Chile, I realize that things are not as I imagined them (well I guess not everything is perfect). Both my faculty and my career need urgent changes, changes that can’t be made to wait. My career, chemistry and pharmacy had a recent curricular innovation, in which many courses were removed and added, until that point everything is fine, the problem is that many of these courses have been implemented badly. I put the case of a course I had the previous semester, called research for pharmaceutical sciences where somehow it was to encourage the scientific interest of students, but this was not done in a pleasant way, they filled us with jobs (which were not at all pleasant) whose dynamics did not allow you to learn anything, I also remember that they made us read English papers, which was not good at first, not all students had the same level of English, so those of us who knew less were it made this task very difficult for us. This is one of the many examples of the changes that must be made to the current curriculum of my career.   

Image result for facultad de ciencias quimicas y farmaceuticas
Now speaking at the faculty level, it lacks green areas, has very few and those that have are in poor condition. The lack of places that protect students on rainy days is also present, another important issue is the acoustics of the rooms, which is very bad.
So I could continue for a long time more enumerating things that should be changed, despite this I feel extremely proud of belonging to a University like this and I’m 100% sure that when I finished my career I will be grateful for everything I have learned in this place .

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

My summer holidays

The academic year has been very hard, at least for me. Sleeping little, leaving friends, family and many of my hobbies are some of the sacrifices I had to make to get good grades, which is why there is nothing else I want at this time than the summer vacation.

Image result for torres del paineFor this summer vacation I plan to take my backpack, some money and go with my girlfriend to travel south, we are still not clear the places we will visit, but the trip will be independent of everything. we have some ideas of where we would like to go as, visit the towers of the paine, the island of chiloe and its churches, nature reserves, forests, among others. Mainly we would like to stay in places where we can camp to live a closer experience with nature.

Image result for bosques del sur
After returning from this trip, I would like to go to the beach with my friends, I have a friend who has a house on the beach, so we could go and stay a few days there. All these plans would be contemplated for December and January, since during February I want to dedicate myself to rest and recuperate all the possible energies to have a good return to class.

Once at home and resting, I would also like to read books, watch many series and play video games, since all this I could not do during the academic year.

Good my dear readers, I hope you have not bored them, see you.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017


University life is subject to much stress. Exams, papers, dissertations, reports and a long list of things are the causes of this stress. For this reason it is that one as a student is forced to resort to certain chemical substances to facilitate the task or more to facilitate it, in order to make more bearable the stress that entails studying at the university. 

Image result for cafeIn my case I usually consume a lot of coffee in order to be active and stay awake at night when I have to study until very late. I also sometimes use it in the mornings so that I can start my day in a good way and be as attentive as possible in the classes. In the moments of relaxation I usually drink alcohol with my university friends, as a way to de-stress after all the tests and jobs. I should also say that I have occasionally used cannabis looking for the same relaxation effect as this. When I probe marijuana or cannabis, it produced a relaxation effect and a sense of well-being, that the truth was what I was looking for, it also produces an evident state of saddles.

Image result for alcohol

I would say my experience with marijuana was good, have a nice time. Also my experience with alcohol has been good, as long as you do not abuse him, he is a good companion during the holidays. Regarding the benefits of drugs the truth the ignore but speaking of ignorance I do not think they have many. With the exception of medicinal uses, since recreational use is only for the purpose of having fun and trying out new sensations. 

The truth is I do not know anyone who is a drug addict as such, but I do know people who often abuse drugs like alcohol (although it's something we all do from time to time). From my knowledge I know that the effects of abstinence occur when the individual ceases to consume the drug in question, which produces a feeling of vulnerability and widespread discomfort in the body. Drugs in society are a latent issue that the truth is very difficult to draw a conclusion on this subject, personally I believe that each one is responsible for what consumes and therefore one must be careful when trying new substances.

Image result for marijuana

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

My post graduate studies

Hi, guys, how are you? I hope so, today I'm going to talk about the postgraduate courses that I would like to take in the future. I am currently studying pharmacy at the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Chile. 

Image result for farmacologia

I love my career since I love chemical and biological sciences, I also like laboratory work and is part of the health area, which is why I would like to do a post-graduate degree in pharmacology. Pharmacology is a fundamental science, which is responsible for studying the interaction of drugs (specifically their molecules with the organism). This seems to me very interesting, so much to study it in the not too distant future, I hope ... In this post-graduate course I would like to study things like the interaction of the body with the different molecules, what makes certain drugs so special, I would like to have some course where they instruct me on the creation of new drugs or molecules to treat diseases, all this seems incredible. This is a topic that I would like to study if or if in the future after finishing my career, if possible I would like to study it in some foreign university, since these are much more advanced in science than the Chilean universities. I would like to study the whole course in the foreigner, in person (obviously) and one finished this, I would return to Chile to apply my new knowledge and be able to give my contribution to the scientific community and the community in general. Well my dear readers, I hope you have not bored them ... thank you very much for reading !!!