Saturday, 24 June 2017


The truth is that I never make plans in advance for my holidays, even now I'm not sure what I'm going to do for this winter holidays, but if anything I'm sure, is that I'm going to spend with my girlfriend. 

The university is very difficult, it requires a lot of time, many hours of study, many hours in classes, many hours of travel, at least in my case. For all this and more, I can not stay as long as I would like with my girlfriend. So the first thing that comes to mind when I think about this winter holidays is to be with her and everywhere we go together.

The first thing we will do when we are on a winter vacation, is to see all the movies, series and anime that we could not see during the semester, while we do this we will eat a lot of things, like sushi, pizza, donas, etc. Also, we will take a stroll to all the places that were left pending of the summer vacations, we will go to San Cristobal Hill, to museums of centre Santiago, art exhibitions, to the cinema and if everything goes well, we will go a few days to the beach.

Thursday, 15 June 2017


To say what my favorite subject is really difficult for me, of all the subjects that I have had this semester there is only one that I dislike (statistic), but the rest I find all very interesting, they all have something that I like, however , If he had to choose an elective '' the general chemistry lab ''. Why? Simply because I love the stress that lab work brings you, despite how exhausting it may become, it's something I love. It's something wonderful when things start to work out, when you understand the processes, chemical reactions that are happening, it becomes something really fun.

It is a really difficult subject, at least for me, during this semester it meant a great challenge, I had to devote many hours of study. My first notes were very low, but with determination I went up by degrees.
This is a course that deals with contents of general chemistry 1 and 2, in a nutshell is the practical part of these two courses, where they get approved the knowledge of these two subjects. This is done through practical work where you have to apply the knowledge and check theories raised. One of my favorite practices was the realization of the pH curves. 

Thursday, 8 June 2017


This time I will talk about a website that is very useful in the development of my career, it is very easy to access, it is free, it has a friendly interface. In short it does not have many requirements to be used, you must only have an associated account and have the desire to inform you about the scientific happening, I'm talking about ScienceDirect.

In this page you can search documents of any kind, Documents of any type, be it papers, journals, review, books, articles, etc. On any scientific topic that interests you, in my case on any topic related to studies related to drugs and new treatments for diseases. The search can be done in many ways, either by the title of the article, keywords, journals related to the topic, the area of ​​study, articles most visited or more recent, by dates, in other words you can search for scientific documents of the Way that will suit you.

I like this website because it is very easy to use and access for me, but of course not everything is perfect, because to be able to download certain articles you must pay a certain amount of money, but there are few in which this happens.

Generally used it frequently, for university jobs or just to look for something to read related to the sciences.